Welcome to CB Adventure Supply, your best source of outdoor gear since 2016! My wife Libby and I took ownership of the company in January 2019, and we look forward to meeting and serving the growing overland community.
Our passion for the outdoors stems from my parents, who frequently took us on exciting adventures around the country. My grandmother was also an avid outdoors person, and her passion for hiking the mountains of Alaska was definitely passed down to me and now to our children.
Because of all the interesting places I’ve lived or visited, I always look for cool ways to explore the areas around our home near Fort Worth, Texas. Oklahoma, Arkansas, New Mexico, Colorado and of course Texas are just a few of the states where we’ve set up camp.
I enjoyed backpacking in my younger years, but these days we prefer vehicle-based travel to get our family into remote areas where we enjoy the peace and quiet. We’ve met many interesting and genuine people along the way. Hearing stories about their adventures is always fascinating conversation, and it’s led to a lot of new friendships.
Libby and I are both members of Texas Overland, and through this group we have met many awesome people who share our passion for the great outdoors. It’s also how we met Martin Spencer, the original owner of CB Adventure Supply. When we began talking to Martin about taking over the company he worked so hard to create, we became excited about the future for our family and CB Adventure Supply. We hope to share our passion for the outdoors, helping people choose the quality gear that will enhance their outdoor experience.
Libby and I both come from service industries, so we put our customers and their needs first and foremost. We will always shoot you straight and let you know if there are other options in the market. We personally use most of the gear we offer, and this gear is available through CB Adventure Supply because we feel its a quality product.
There is much more to our story. If you catch us around a campfire we will be happy to expand on who we are and why we love the outdoors so much.
Let us help make your adventures as enjoyable as possible! Please leave the State and National Forests cleaner than you found it, Tread Lightly!
Ryan & Libby Hitchcock
Below I have left the message that Martin wrote when he started CB. I want people to understand where this company began and the passion that Martin had for adventure!

It is important for you to understand who I am, and why I started CB Adventure Supply:
My name is Martin Spencer and I have had a lifelong passion for adventure. As a child I bounced around the Rocky Mountains in my family’s Westfallia van. We camped, biked, fished, hiked, skied and just enjoyed exploring the backcountry. I have continued to build on the foundation that was laid in my heart all those years ago. Now I am married and have two kids of my own. My wife Tara and I have been dragging our kids, Emery and Robert, around on our adventures since they were in diapers. We camped many nights with a pack-n-play in our tent! We believe the hardest part of camping is getting out the door for the first time. The products that we have decided to sell are all things that have made our own trips easier, safer and more enjoyable. Tested and approved by us! Being comfortable in both your vehicle and in your campsite is the key to a successful adventure.
Our family continues to travel many places throughout the United States and beyond. Each excursion teaches us more about the difference between useful gear and stuff that just takes up space. A trial and error approach has gotten us to a place where we are confident in the gear we choose to take with us, and in the gear we chose to do without. We want our experiences to make your journey easier. The easier and more comfortable your trip is, the more often you will head out. You won’t find thousands of products in our store because we don’t believe in selling things that we don’t use ourselves. If you have questions about our gear, please contact us. After all, the next best thing to being on an adventure is talking to someone about their own!
So, where did the “CB” come from? The birthplace of my passion for the outdoors was the Elk Mountains surrounding the quaint town of Crested Butte, CO. You could spend a lifetime adventuring in this vast area and never run out of new places to explore. Today my family continues to return to this paradise again and again. The raw beauty and majestic feel of this area is something that every adventurer needs to experience.
I know there are lots of suppliers in our industry. We distinguish ourselves by being available to our customers and knowledgeable about the products we choose to sell and the places we travel. Everything that is sold in our store can be installed in our shop. We will always take time to make sure that the job is done right and that you are satisfied with your new gear.
Whether you are looking for someone to bounce ideas off of for your next adventure, or you need a turn-key vehicle build out, we are here to help in anyway we can.
Adventure is out there….. Let's find it together.